Karl Ove Knausgård – The End

The End is the sixth and final volume of his epic My Struggle saga (Min Kamp in Norwegian, yes he really did call it that) and is a rather daunting 1153 pages long, to add to the 2500 plus he has already produced in the other five volumes. The series can be summarised as a semi or even mostly autobiographical telling of his life, which … Continue reading Karl Ove Knausgård – The End

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Kjeragbolten hike-heat, hydration and hospitals!

The last month has seen the heatwave that scorched the UK and other parts of Europe reach the southern shores of Norway, although in the much more pleasant 25-30c temperature range. This offered the perfect opportunity to do an all-day hiking trip and one that we had long been waiting to do was to visit the famous Kjerargbolten, a boulder trapped between two giant rocks … Continue reading Kjeragbolten hike-heat, hydration and hospitals!

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Revolutionary Road review

  This is the third mid to late 20th Century American novel I have recently read alongside John Williams’ Stoner and Wallace Stegner’s Crossing to Safety, which also both have the complexities of marriage at the heart of their subject matter, but at the risk of letting proximity override objectivity I would say that it is the most affecting and interesting of the three. One of … Continue reading Revolutionary Road review

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